PhD Theses
Titre |
Année de soutenance |
Marion Ullmo |
Emulation and prediction of cosmic web simulations through deep learning |
2022 |
Daniela Galárraga-Espinosa |
Characterising cosmic filaments and their surroundings in large-scale hydro-dynamical simulations |
2021 |
Tony Bonnaire |
Cosmic web environments: identification, characterisation and quantification of cosmological information |
2021 |
Thibaut Perdereau |
Caractérisation du candidat protoamas de galaxies PLCK G256.8-33.2 avec les données photométriques du VLT et de Spitzer |
2021 |
Edouard Lecoq |
2021 |
Louis Legrand |
Large surveys : from galaxy evolution to cosmological probes |
2020 |
Adélie Gorce |
Cosmological signatures of the Epoch of Reionisation |
2020 |
Nadège Lemarchand |
Impacts of cosmic inhomogeneities on the CMB: primordial perturbations in two-field bouncing cosmologies and cosmic magnetism in late-time structures |
2019 |
Victor Bonjean |
Matter in the largest structures of the Universe: from galaxies to filaments, observations and data analysis |
2019 |
Theses defended within the team previously known as MIC (Matière Interstellaire et Cosmologie, before Sept. 2019), and even earlier known as Physique des galaxies (before Nov. 2005)