Cosmology and large scale structure
The Cosmology team gathers experts in observational and theoretical cosmology who aim at understanding the formation of large scale structures and their evolution. Members of the team master both observational and modelling techniques of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), the Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB), the structuration of matter on large scales, and of high redshift galaxies, galaxy clusters and proto-clusters. The team is deeply involved in Planck, Herschel, Euclid and Athena scientific programmes, as well as in ESO's Large Programmes (LP-ESO). Members of the team contribute to the scientific preparation of the SKA, to the Key Science Project Epoch of Reionization of LOFAR, as well as to various observational proposals both ground-based and from space.
Main Research Topics :
Star formation history across time through observations of the CIB, the CIB cold spots (proto-clusters) and resolved CIB sources, modelling of the CIB emission (halo model), evolution of IR galaxies using analytical and semi-analytical approaches. -
Cosmology of the large scale structures by the detection, the observation and the cosmological interpretation of galaxy clusters (seen through the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect), statistical analysis (stacking, number counts, power spectra). -
Modelling of the Epoch of Reionisation and data analysis (including cross-correlations with the CMB, polarised and not polarised), modelling of the magnetogenesis processes that occur during Reionisation. -
Structuration of matter on large scales by multiwavelength observations and analyses of galaxies, proto-clusters and galaxy clusters. -
Study of the CMB for the estimation of cosmological parameters, analysis of large scales structures and constraints on Dark Energy through the modelling and the detection of the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect, modelling of and search for non-Gaussianities, cross-correlations between the CMB and tracers of the distribution of matter on large scales (galaxy surveys, SZ and X-ray observations, CIB, ...)