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In addition to the various low-temperature test facilities we operate, we are working on a new sub-Kelvin system capable of producing temperatures of the order of 100 mK continuously in a space environment. An Engineering Model (EM) of a CCDR (Closed Cycle Dilution Refrigerator) [1, 2], an evolution of the open-cycle sub-K system used for the Planck-HFI mission, is being developed thanks to funding from CNES.



STM (Structural and Thermal Model) of the CCDR able to sustain a rocket launch vibration level while reducing the thermal exchanges between the various temperature stages [1]




« Pikachu » 1 K system used to perform cryogenic tests on the CCDR


[1] “A new thermo-mechanical structure design for space qualified close-cycle dilution refrigerator”, V. Sauvage, C. De Jabrun, M. Bouzit, R. Gazizulin, B. Maffei and A. Philippon, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 12190, id. 121902J 12 pp. (2022)

[2] "Development of a Closed-Cycle Dilution Refrigerator for future cosmological missions", V. Sauvage PhD thesis, 2023

Contacts : Valentin Sauvage, Bruno Maffei

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