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Flows in a Small Active Region as Seen by Hinode and SoHO

TitreFlows in a Small Active Region as Seen by Hinode and SoHO
Type de publicationConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuteursBoutry, C, Buchlin, É, Vial, J, Watanabe, T, Sakurai, T
ÉditeurSekii, T
Conference NameHinode-3: The 3rd Hinode Science Meeting
Date PublishedAugust 1, 2012

We report on a multi-instrument study performed on Active Region 10943 located at Sun center on 20 Feb. 2007. We use XRT images, magnetic field maps from SoHO/MDI and we focus on EIS spectra from which we build maps of the Doppler shift and intensity of Fe XII 195.12 Å. We paid a special attention to the absolute wavelength calibration taking into account the orbital temperature effect. We observe coronal loops between opposite polarities of the region and straight downflows seen in faint regions.

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