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Simon BibitchkovShahin AbdiPier-Francesco RocciKhalil AshkarNicolas MonnierStéphane CaminadeGilles PoulleauHervé BallansPierre Dell'ovaMarc DexetElie SoubriéLoïc MaurinLucas GuillerotOlga KannavouQuentin Gottafray

Move your cursor over each photo to see the names. Clic on each photo to get the contact information of each member of the I.T. Services



Permanent members


Name Grade Functions
Ballans Hervé IRCN Infrastructure and Interfaces
Caminade Stéphane IRCN Infrastructure and Databases
Chane-Yook Martine IGRHC (University) Scientific Interface & Web
Dexet Marc IRCN Development and Interfaces
Maurin Loïc IGRCN (University) Scientific Interface
Monnier Nicolas IRCN Scientific Interface & Computing
Poulleau Gilles IRHC Head of IDOC
Soubrié Elie IRCN Scientific Interface



Non permanent members



Grade Functions
Abdi Shahin   OSUPS Contractant
Ashkar Khalil   MEDOC Contractant
Bibitchkov Simon   MEDOC Contractant
Dell'ova Pierre   JWST Contractant
Gottafray Axelle   MAJIS Contractant
Guillerot Lucas   PLATO Contractant
Kannavou Olga   JWST Contractant


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