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The SciCryo project and cryogenic scintillation of Al2O3 for dark matter

TitleThe SciCryo project and cryogenic scintillation of Al2O3 for dark matter
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsDi Stefano, PCF, Coron, N, de Marcillac, P, Dujardin, C, Luca, M, Petricca, F, Proebst, F, Vanzetto, S, Verdier, MA, Collaboration, E
JournalJournal of Low Temperature Physics
Date PublishedMay
ISBN Number0022-2291
Accession NumberWOS:000254202200051

We discuss cryogenic scintillation of Al2O3. Room-temperature measurements with alpha particles are first carried out to study effect of Ti concentration on response. Measurements under X-rays between room temperature and 10 K confirm a doubling of light output. The integration of a scintillation-phonon detector into an ionization-phonon dark matter search is underway, and the quenching factor for neutrons has been verified.

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