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von Karman-Howarth equations for Hall magnetohydrodynamic flows

Titrevon Karman-Howarth equations for Hall magnetohydrodynamic flows
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuteursGaltier, S
JournalPhysical Review EPhysical Review E
Date PublishedJan
ISBN Number1539-3755
Numéro d'accèsWOS:000252861600004

The von Karman-Howarth equations are derived for three-dimensional Hall magnetohydrodynamics in the case of a homogeneous and isotropic turbulence. From these equations, we derive exact scaling laws for the third-order correlation tensors. We show how these relations are compatible with previous heuristic and numerical results. These multiscale laws provide a relevant tool to investigate the nonlinear nature of the high-frequency magnetic field fluctuations in the solar wind or, more generally, in any plasma where the Hall effect is important.

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