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Effect of the stellar inclination angle upon theoretical errors of l=1 p-mode parameters

TitreEffect of the stellar inclination angle upon theoretical errors of l=1 p-mode parameters
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuteursBallot, J, Appourchaux, T, Toutain, T
JournalAstronomische NachrichtenAstronomische Nachrichten
Date PublishedMay
ISBN Number0004-6337
Numéro d'accèsWOS:000256846700021

The asteroseismic observations provided by current and future missions like CoROT or Kepler will have a quality closer to those obtained for the Sun. In this context, tools and methods developed for helioseismology can be applied to other stars. In this paper, we focus on solar-like oscillations of stars with an unknown rotation axis inclination and study, by means of maximum-likelihood estimation, the errors on the determination of l = 1 p-mode parameters. (C) 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

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